TIMER H3Y-4-24VDC OMRON (10S) The H3Y series solid-state Miniature Timer compatible with the MY relay. The features semi-multi power supply voltage. The large transparent time setting knob facilitates time setting. A flat-blade and Phillips screwdriver can also be used for time setting. This series is pin configuration compatible with MY power relay. This series offers a LED indication for power and output statuses. The dial knob setting enables easy operation. This series offers DPDT and 4PDT outputs, plug-in and PCB terminals, single and twin contacts.
สถานะของสินค้า : สินค้าพร้อมส่ง
- Product Range: H3Y Series
- Timer Functions: Reset
- No. of Timing Ranges: 1Ranges
- Time Min: 0.5s
- Time Max: 10s
- Timer Output: Solid State
- Supply Voltage Max: 24VDC
- Current Rating Nom: 3A
- Connection / Termination: Plug-In Panel
- Cutout Height: 25.8mm Panel
- Cutout Width: 21.4mm
แบรนด์ | OMRON |
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